Creative in Advertising

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Advertisement is everywhere. It is use to persuade an audience, viewers, listeners or readers to purchase or take action upon products, ideals or services.

A creative advertisement will lead to big profits on the particular product or make a huge influence to the community.

Here are some samples of creative advertisement:
This is an advertisement for a job recruiting company in Berlin, Germany.Depicting people working in the vending. It delivers message that "Life is too short for a wrong job".

This creative advertisement by Mini Cooper is placed at the Zurich, Switzerland. It gives the perception that the mini cooper have a large space.

This advertisement creatively merges a watch with a normal holder on bus. It makes us look like we are wearing the watch when we are holding the holder.

This advertisement gives a perception of the speed of the car. It uses the surrounding and merges with them.

An outstanding advertisement will attract the attention of the eyes of people. After that, persuade them to act on what the advertisement ask for. An advertisement is not just a ordinary picture or posters but it is a form of powerful communication to input something to people's mind and make them act.

Creative Shopping Bags

Shopping is one of the important elements in advertising. A creative bag advertisement will let people remember it's products and the company.
The example that I am going to show you is some of the most creative shopping bags that I had ever seen. It can attract us to look at it again and again.
This shopping bag is design by Antje Gerwien, from University of Weimar. It creatively combine the rope of the shopping bag and the image of a man printed on the shopping bag.

This shopping bag is designed by Duval Guillaume, Brussels, Belguim. This design is use to prevent people to stop torturing animals at Gaia.

This shopping bag is designed by TBWA, Istanbul. It is also using the merge between the image on the shopping bag and the rope/handle of the bag.

This shopping bag is designed by Grey Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This shopping bag is designed for a magic shop, Magic-I. It is using fishing line as the handle for the bag. Therefore it looks like it is being held without handleas if by magic.

Street Painting

There are one kind of painting that caught my attention when I was looking for images online. The painting is called street painting. Those painting normally drawn on the street/roads. It can create an illusion that make people believes that it is real.

This street painting is drawn by Edgar Müller - a Master of 3D Pavement Art.When you look at the painting, you will be stunned and believe it is the real one because the painting is too realistic.

Besides that, you will find many street painting at European Street Painting. Many of them are drawn by professional 3D artist.

Light in Art

According to Wikipedia, Light Art is a form of visual art where main media of expression is light. Using light to express our feelings is a wonderful thing. Light can be many form, soft, strong, gentle and etc.
There are many methods we can use to perform light in art. Photography and motion pictures is the most common method to perform. With the invention of artificial light, many artists begin to use light to perform their art.

This is a video of a artist drawing using light. He creatively uses light to draw. It looks very realistic.

This is Pika-Pika. It is a type of stop motion using many pictures combines together to create a video.

Creative Transports

When I was searching internet for images, I found some interesting and creative images of transports and vehicles.

This is an advertistment on a FedEx lorry snipping their rivals UPS.

The wheel of the bus is designed like a pair of eyes to attrace attention.

The house is built on a truck. The owner can travel around with his house.

This 3D advertistment looks like the gigantic beer bottle is poping out from the lorry. It captures our eyes.